The Truth When Dealing with a Narcissist in a Maryland Divorce

The Truth When Dealing with a Narcissist in a Maryland Divorce

Do any of these sound familiar to you? When I married my wife a decade ago, it never occurred to me that she would become this person that I equally dislike and am terrified of today. When I met her–and during the first few months of our relationship–she...
Mediation 101

Mediation 101

What is Mediation? Mediation is a process where the parties work together with a mediator outside of the court process to resolve all of their issues which are in dispute. The mediator and the parties will meet together in a conference room and have an in depth...
Mediation 101 – Part 2

Mediation 101 – Part 2

Who, where and how much? WHO IS YOUR MEDIATOR? For 25 years, Brian Wise has been practicing family law in Maryland and Washington, D.C., representing clients in mediation, serving as a court appointed mediator and serving as a mediator for parties in private...
Mediation 101 – Part 3

Mediation 101 – Part 3

HOW ARE AGREEMENTS REACHED? Throughout the mediation process, when an agreement is reached on a particular issue, it is recorded by the mediator as a “point of agreement.” The mediator and the parties specifically discuss and agree on the point of agreement as it is...
Maryland Divorce: What It’s Like in the Social Media Era?

Maryland Divorce: What It’s Like in the Social Media Era?

Congratulations are certainly in order whenever you upload an anniversary photo with your partner on Instagram, or when you write a tender, heartfelt Facebook status proclaiming your undying love and devotion to your new beau. After all, everyone wants to hear and...
Immigration and Family Law

Immigration and Family Law

Wise Family Law Division is dedicated exclusively to the practice of family law in Maryland and Washington, D.C. and at the highest level. Their attorneys are regarded as leaders in the field and recognized for their expertise and ethical standards. The firm is...